Grayson Neighborhood Council
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Welcome To the
Grayson Neighborhood Council Website!

We've been working on issues that are exciting and very important in our community and in the Great Central Valley.  One of our major projects in our community has been engaging others into coming together to establish a community center that meets the needs of the westside Stanislaus communities of Grayson, Westley and Vernalis.  The response has been wonderful. 


UPDATE!!!11/12/03:  After 20 years of advocating for a community center, Stanislaus county officials and community members broke ground on the center site.  The event was joyous for many community members who took their turns with the symbolic shovels to break ground. Orale!! Si se Puede!!

UPDATE!!! 9/21/04 For those of you who are wondering how the community center is going I've got great news.  The building process has been slow but the results are turning out very nice. 


GNC is proud to be a member of this great group of grassroot organizations and individuals.  We have been working together for three years on environmental justice issues in rural central valley communities.  We work to assist each other on issues such as land use policies, incinerators, water, pesticides, air quality, prisons, and how these issues effect on our communities health and our rights to determine our own quality of life.

 CENTRAL CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE NETWORK CONFERENCE   SATURDAY  JUNE 26, 2004 AT BAKERSFIELD COLLEGE.  Our main speaker was Richard Moore.  He was dynamic and told it the way it is!!  We have had positive feedback from most people who attended. All the workshops were attended by individuals with great knowledge in their areas of interest.  Thank everyone who attended.


UPDATE!!!6/24/04:  CCEJN Conference pictures.

UPDATE!!!9/10/04: New Pictures from the Health Fair up! GNC has participated by addressing local environmental health issues in our area.Click on the photo page to view.

UPDATE!!!9/28/03Pictures from the Afternoon at the park! Head on to the Afternoon at the Park page to check them out.

UPDATE!!!11/07/03  Pictures from the Protest Against Covanta are up. Click on the photo page!



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